Sep 5, 2012

Back to basics

So its been a while, honestly i have a good excuse- yes its this  thing called school! All of a sudden i am wrapped up in a whirlwind of assignments, tests,projects, labs, going for classes and sharing that little free time between my friends and the other things i love to do! I must say being in fourth year is very challenging but i am going to be strong and definitely i am going to pass! Anyway i was scrolling through my friends Facebook account(of course she was sitting next to me,making sure i didn't do anything sketchy lol!) when i came across this picture. I haven't tried it yet but i know honey is very good for my skin so tomorrow after school that's what i am going to do. Please feel free to tell me if  this works for you and if u want  to rant about how school is getting on to your nerves then the comment section is all for you.

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